Event Details

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Seminar: What will the economic outlook be for the US and China in 2013?


Thursday, April 11, 2013
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

We are delighted to have invited Dr. Henry Mo as our speaker for the next seminar. He will present us an interesting topic "What will the economic outlook be for the Global and US in 2013?".

Please register the seminar at your early convenience. It will be closed upon reaching the limit. Thanks.

Time: April 11: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Venue: In middle town Manhattan (the exact location will be emailed to those registered attendants)
Drinks/coffee will be provided

Fee: Free for CCC members; $10 for non members

Dr. Mo is a Director in the Economics Research team at Credit Suisse. His responsibilities include the analysis of macroeconomic trends for both the global and US economies and the production of the Firm's global economic forecasts. He also works closely with equity analysts in developing macroeconomic forecast models for various sectors. Specifically, Dr. Mo was among the few economists who first voiced concerns on rising structural unemployment following the Great Recession as early as September 2009. His recent work on diminishing wealth effect following the Great Recession is also among the first on this topic. On the modeling front, Dr. Mo is the main developer of Credit Suisse US recession probability indicator, which correctly predicted no double-dip back in recession in 2010 and 2011, respectively. The indictor was cited by The Barron’s 11 times between August and December 2011. Together with Credit Suisse equity and commodity analysts, Dr. Mo also developed Credit Suisse Basic Material Indicator, which tracks short-term global production cycle closely (CSBMI, Bloomberg tickers: BMIQI/BMIQI3). Dr. Mo’s research work is regularly quoted by the nation’s and the world’s leading financial media, including Barron’s, Bloomberg, Financial Times, New York Times, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, etc.

Prior to joining Credit Suisse, he worked as a research assistant in the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Queens College, the City University of New York (CUNY). Henry received his BS in Electronics from Zhongshan University and both his MPhil and PhD in Economics from the Graduate School and University Center, CUNY. Henry has published his PhD research in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, and NBER Working Paper Series. In addition, Henry is a CFA charterholder.

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